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Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Phobia

Monday Phobia

The fear of Monday is defined as a fear of any event, outcome, situation or person that resembles, relates or symbolizes "Monday" of any form or kind. The fear of Monday is a common phobia in North America, Australia, Asia and the rest of the world.
Fear of Monday / Monday Fears
Fear of Monday is a phobia that affects over 250,000 people in India alone. It is defined as a fear of Monday of any form or kind. People suffering from the fear of Monday or Monday phobia will do anything and everything to avoid Monday of any form or kind. Any event, person or situation that resembles, relates to or symbolizes "Monday" can trigger this fear of Monday off.

This Monday phobia is generally caused by some influence of "Monday" in the person's life through the media, cinema, childhood experiences, family experiences, dreams, books, news events, etc.
Physical Symptoms of Fear of Monday or Monday Fears
shaking/trembling, sweating excessively, nausea, dizziness, hyperventilation, chest pain, dry mouth, freezing, losing control over emotions, hyperactive bowels, refusal or inability to sleep, change in sleeping patterns, stomach pains,
possible psychosomatic responses, fear of dying, intense anxiety attack, incoherency in speaking, incoherency in thinking, refusal to go anywhere considered as unsafe, palpitations.

Some of the common mental processes associated with Monday phobia include:
catastrophising, ignoring the positive, exaggerating, over generalizing, looking for disaster, thinking in all or nothing terms.

Terror: A persistent and overwhelming fear of Monday.

Obsessive Thoughts: Difficulty thinking about anything other than the fear of Monday.

Desire to Flee: An intense instinct to leave the situation that involves the fear of Monday.

Anticipatory Anxiety: Persistent worrying about upcoming events or situations that involve the fear of Monday.

What Everyday Signals set off the Fear of Monday
1. Seeing Any picture showing some kind of "Monday".
2. Watching Any movie scene that shows "Monday".
3. Listening to any song or music that has "Monday" in it.
4. Any person talking about or mentioning "Monday".
5. Visiting any website that mentions anything about "Monday".
6. Any other event, situation or person that resembles "Monday".

Family members and friends must be aware that such signals will trigger off this fear of Monday in the person concerned and should be careful not to keep any of the above mentioned triggers, signs, symbols, etc. of "Monday" near the person suffering from this fear of Monday.

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