Why Set Limitations to Our Imagination and Ideas!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Mediocre Society

A Mediocre Society
By: Tarakeswar Biswal
There are more preposterous vicissitudes in life than a single philosophy can conjure.
A mediocre society always propagates its individuals to follow a meticulous path designed in a sole purpose of transforming their respective children into money making ventures. But the constant fear of failure and possibility of finding easier way makes them to go on a path which turns them to be always followers rather than individuals who take risks and start an enterprise.

This whole process creates an environment where you make your ends meet and the constant fear of society if you fail in doing so creates a deep desire inside you which dwells for a very long time and finally that channels through your nourishment & love to your children and in turn you expect to see and achieve all your unfulfilled dreams in him/her.
A young individual have always an ambiguous feeling. So with constant pressure he/she gets confused with his/her feelings towards their parents. So he both hates for the pressure mounted upon him and loves for the support of family all at the same time. But why he does so eludes the attention of his parents as they are middling with their own previous ambitions.
The constant inputs of being told about what you have to do and not being able to have the deep core gut twisting independence drives the individual crazy and as nature’s way of dealing things he/she brings out a rebellious instincts in behavior towards every other individual whose ideas doesn’t soothes you.


Unknown said...

First of all wish to say, “this is something very core from the divine source you have” : good One

Few things are adorable and few are adaptable, though in many cases injustice happens to the adorable.
Nature creates its own destination but survivals always twist the path and wish to drive in a curious way…. Hope the journey never ends, except few spotless prints that never secure a position or a lonely shadow to be loved.

Vishwadeep Asthana said...

Pretty Good thought and well drafted.Hope that most of the parents read it and we should learn from it..Nice

neha said...

i believe this trend mainly exists in our society (India) which will gradually errode with generations to come. This gap in though process will eventually diminish and surely a mix of unique talents will take front stage.