Why Set Limitations to Our Imagination and Ideas!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Moral Pill

Moral Pill

It was summer of 2009 when I had got the chance to read Anthony Burgess’s novel (and Stanley Kubrick’s film) A Clockwork Orange which in turn narrates Alex, an unrepentant psychopath, who has his eyes pried wide open(in the pic above) and is forced to watch violent images. Like Pavlov’s dog, Alex is being programmed to respond with nausea to violence and sex. This scene remains shocking to me till date, but, like most science fiction, it has aged. The behaviorist psychology it was drew upon has long expired, and the fear that science will be used to make, or even force, people to be morally better now sounds old-fashioned.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Religious Debacle

History and archaeologist have confirmed the earliest human being prayed and feared "SUN". The warmth and comfort from sun on chilling winters must have given them the idea of power source.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Vicious Circle of Wasting Time

A Vicious Circle of Wasting Time
By:Tarakeswar Biswal

Why people some time take the liberty of deliberately wasting time of another person?