Why Set Limitations to Our Imagination and Ideas!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Brick in the Wall

Another Brick in the Wall

"When a wall appears in front of the things you want, the wall is not there to say, 'Do not do it'. Instead, the wall is asking 'How bad do you want it?' -Randy Paush

Quite recently I was listening to Another Brick in the Wall Part 2 by Pink Floyd over my morning coffee. I could not help ponder about it the whole day. It was not like I was listening to it for the 1st time. But I guess may be over the trance phases after long weed sessions I may have perceived it as it was all about the education system killing the creative brilliance and making children as robotic money ventures. But due course of time and maturing (or rather sobering) I perceive there’s a very larger scope for this rebellious song. It fits to every situation in life. There is always a wall. But it’s the headmaster which changes the role play every time. Some times it’s your grits some times it’s yours fears.  It’s a very common observation from my part which is in regard to every situation, “the finality is rest decided on your confidence and your perception of the desired outcome.”
You cannot deny when you were kid you have very lively and amazing dreams, inspirations as parents or grandparents and aspirations like president (because your mom told he is the most powerful person and u desperately wanted to kick Hari your arch enemy from baju walla mohalla), movie star (The poster on the walls of your kindergarten school) or singer (listening to the stereo when your older brother is listening to it). You grew up and you aspiration changed. You let your mind take lucrative ways. No longer had you envied when your arch enemy won the evening gully cricket match but you rather prepare for medical or engineering or civil services killing that kid inside you who once aspired to be a singer or a president.

Without deviation from the norm, Progress is not possible― Frank Zappa

Let make justice to that crying kid inside us that we will do justice and try hard for his desires.

Lets promise to give a good hard push to the Wall.

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